Part and parcel of owning and using a computer regularly are that it will slow down over time. This is particularly true when booting up and getting ready to start. Whilst it is something that we are all used to happening, this doesn’t make it feel any less frustrating when you just want to be able to get on with gaming or work.
Of course, a reduction in the performance of a computer might be an obvious drawback of owning technology, but the good news is that it isn’t something that you just have to accept. In fact, there are plenty of ways that you can try and speed up your computer start-up.
To help you to work out which one to try, we have put together our top tips for improving the boot-up speed of your computer.
Limit start-up programmes
You probably don’t realise (because they are running invisibly), but there are likely to be a variety of programmes that are running behind the scenes of your computer every single time you start it up. Every single one of these can slow down the speed of your boot up and can even cause conflicts in the software too.
You can, thankfully, turn off many of these start-up programmes, so long as they are not related to the inner workings of your computer. Else you could make the problem a whole lot worse.
Unplug USB devices
Any external devices or drives that you have plugged into your computer can slow down the start-up process. This is because, during this process, your computer is going to want to check each device or drive to make sure that it is okay to be plugged in and whether it has anything that it needs on there.
This can then, in turn, slow down the entire loading time.
Keep your computer updated
Another important thing that you should do for your computer is to make sure that you have it as up-to-date as possible. Whilst it may seem tiresome having regular updates that need to be put in place for your computer, each and every one is important.
They are designed to ensure that any bugs within your computer (not viruses but general bugs in development) are ironed out and provide solutions to any problems that have been discovered within the computer since it was launched.
When you think of it this way, you can see why updates are so essential to make sure that you install when it comes to your computer.
As you can see, slow load up times don’t have to be something that you just expect to happen. Either by choosing to take on the challenge of speeding up the process yourself or asking for some expert advice on what you need to do to ensure that your computer is in the best health possible.